Patient Medical Home is a place where patients feel most comfortable presenting and discussing their personal and family health and medical concerns.

Chronic pain affects an estimated 100 million people a year in Uganda and costs society $560 to $650 billion annually. Patient-centered medical homes are designed to improve chronic pain outcomes given the enhanced coordination of patient-centered approaches that activate and empower patients with self-management strategies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), therapeutic programs and exercises, educational tools, and mindfulness-based on stress reduction.

Through its trained staff, PSO emphasizes the role a patient medical home plays in providing high quality compassionate transformative, and timely care.

The Patients’ medical home is an important foundational piece in the transformation of the health care system to better meet the needs of the community. It emphasizes on intersectoral action on the social determinants of health through continuous collaboration and teamwork, from the patient’s participation in their care to interprofessional and intraprofessional care provider working together.